Wednesday 9 August 2017

Abbey Project Update

Recently put the finishing touches to the latest part of my ongoing Abbey terrain project in the shape of the Gatehouse.

This is the biggest planned part of the project and has been a bit of a slog to get it finished as it had been 'parked' for quite a while, but I took the reins by the teeth and managed to get it finalised.

I found it quite difficult to match the stonework with previous parts as the previous mix of colours provided a much darker looking item than the previous structures, which I put down to the size and shape of the piece rather than the actual colour mix. 

As a result, I have deliberately lifted some highlights on the building to a much brighter colour to help synchronize to the look with the other pieces.

I deliberately kept the overgrowth to a minimum on this piece as I felt that the amount of 'structure' of the model added enough interest to without going overboard with vegetation. 

Also, I intend to make up a couple of filler pieces which can be used as optional additions to make the wall sections more contiguous so added veg would interfere with this development.

The next part of the project planned will be the fairly intact parts of the south range along with a few random rubble piles for scatter use.

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