Wednesday 27 May 2015

Necromunda Campaign Round 6 - Tunnel Fight

A quick update on the Club Necromunda Campaign. (Otherwise known as a catch up post).

This Round (being the sixth) was played last month with myself and The Red Redemption, John and his Craftworld Eldar, Dave and the Goliath's and Andy's Van Sarr getting down and dirty in the Tunnels. The scenario being my choice for the round as I was the victor of the Round 5 (much to my surprise), and I quite fancied something a bit more cramped and claustrophobic which I hoped would suit my gangs weapon load-outs.

The gangs all started out on opposite sides of each other, the Goliaths oppsite from my Redemptionists and the Eldar to my right with Andy's Van Saar opposite them to my right.

Each of the gang's advanced cautiously into the maze with the Goliath's heading pretty quickly towards the Eldar and the Redemptionists and Van Saar moving towards each other.

The first part of the engagement turned round pretty quickly from then, more the usual Necromunda game fayre. The Goliaths engaged the Eldar from either end of a short corridor and several of the Goliath's went down pretty quickly to a bunch of grenades and shurikins from the Eldar and Dave then promptly failed his bottle test.

The Redemptionists prompted for a two pronged attack (to maximise the number that could engage) after first throwing a fanatic to the wolves to slow the Van Saar down, and then launched an attack from two rooms at the dwarves who ended up nicely bunched at a tee junction. The only risk here was that I had to jump through one doorway first and risk the return fire to get into position. Luckily for me Andy's dice were poor and no hits were incurred.

With a multitude of shots, most of which connected and a grenade for good measure, five of the Van Saar went out of action in very quick order and Andy beat a hasty retreat to save casualties.

With it now down to the Eldar and the Redemptionists, a lull ensued as both gangs consolidated and now moved towards the new threats. The Eldar making the quickest advance as they were less strung out from their previous fight.

What next ensued can only be termed a dong-dong fight, and easily one of the best in the campaign to date.

With the Redemptionist's making the initial move scored a couple of quick downs and one out of action thanks to some useful Autogun and Flamer fire and this quickly got the Eldar into a break test which amazingly the Eldar passed, though at this point things did look dicey for the Eldar and I was beginning to think I could get two victories in a row.

There then followed three rounds or so of indecisive skirmishing but with a particular Guardian making a bit of head way and dropping a couple of the Brethren mainly to the use of Grenades. Each Round the Eldar made their bottle test with aplomb. Then the Redemptionists went passed the break test mark with another down from the annoying Guardian, but I passed the break test much to my amazement and the fight went on.

The fight went on but with the Eldar managing a turn around of events mainly due to the one Guardian and a string of successful break tests, victory slowly slid from my grasp and even though I amazingly made several break tests too, in the end bowed to the enevitable and the mounting casualties and called it a day giving the Eldar a hard fought, but well deserved victory. easily the longest fight so far and very enjoyable to boot.

Monday 11 May 2015

Carronade 15 - Show Reportage

Another bumper show again this year and Carronade '15 being the clubs' tenth show, a bit of a milestone. There was a lot happening once again, and a busy, but enjoyable day ensued.

The weather generally behaved itself and with that the crowds came out to play. The show this year had it's greatest number of Clubs and games on display (and for participating in) and the largest number of traders too, with a few new faces plying their wares along with the old stalwart's of the shows.

The show apparently exceeded it's previous numbers through the door again by a wee bit, so that is encouraging, and the traders all appeared to be happy with buisness overall. The Flea Market once again saw a brisk trade all through the day right up to the closing hour and the Painting Competition again saw a very slight increase in the number of entries, (though the Junior and Single Historical figure categories were well down on the number of entries from previous years).

The upper hall had the more settled games on show and the games with a trader connection were generally there too. This is the quieter area with bods generally seated and taking part in participation games, many of which were a hit with the youngsters.

The next hall down stairs was once again busy with a mix of Traders and club games.

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The central hall is always interesting with some great games on here, usually the slightly 'different' games, and a select number of traders squeezed in.

The other large hall was also full to the gunwales with traders and club games.

The Painting Competition was fairly well attended again this year with the number of entries very slightly up from last year. 

A pity that the Junior section was poorly attended, especially after previous years where some of the best entries have come from that category, though a couple of previous entrant have now emigrated to the big leagues, including the best of show winner this year.

A perhaps more surprising trend is the reduction in historical entries, and the expansion of the Fantasy/SciFi sections, or perhaps not surprising seeing where the bulk of the buying and selling was going on. The Vehicles category was pretty well down in entrants this year too, which I was disappointed with as it's my particular favourite category.

Still, with these things I've learnt to know that next year will probably be completely different.

Parking apparently became a bit of an issue later in the day due to the numbers visiting, so unfortunate but a sign of success I suppose.

A good day chin-wagging and seeing the games on etc. Didn't have much time for shopping between bouts on the Painting Comp, but picked up a couple of ideas for future projects. All in, quite happy with the day.

Game and Painting Competition winners can be found here.

I believe Wargame's Illustrated roving reporter was about and abroad at the show, so some report may be featured there on the show, here's hoping.

Another busy and enjoyable show in the bag, and hopefully enjoyable for all the visitors and participants who came along too.

Same place, same time next year.
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