'The Stahlsons' Armoured Trolls |
The Ragnarok Miniatures above and following are some of the first miniatures I've added to my collection this year. The Figures were received last month from the recent Ragnarok 9 Trollheim Kickstarter which was floated at the end of last year and were received ahead of the anticipated delivery, which was nice. All the figures are sculpted by Colin Patten and his style is immediately noticable and the figures fit with many manufacture ranges over and above the many that were sculpted by Colin of course but also other ranges.
I have a number of the Ragnarok minitures already and this package is adding to the range I have which are intended for use in a number of roles but particularly bulking out my Oathmark Army, use in my Solo Fantasy Campaign, various Fantasy Skirmish rules and in some LotR gaming to name a few.
A good deal and a fair passle of figures received, I like the Armoured Trolls particularly and will be useful in a number of roles under a variety of guises which the generic look will fit nicely.
'Uruk Warband' |
Along with the Trolls, I went for the Uruk Warband which includes 32 figures in various guises.
'Uruk Command and Armoured Uruks' |
Self explanitory Armoured Uruk core with 12 rank and file and a 4 figure command group. I picked up an additional Command group to flesh out previously picked up Ragnarok Armoured Goblin types. Armed with reasonably sized shields and mainly polearms and a few scimtar like swords. I'll probably ditch the scimitars in favour of something a bit heavier.
'Uruk Archers' |
Again, self explanitory with the Uruk Archers being of the armoured variety. One issue I didn't like with these is that they came with the standard seperate hand with bow which also came with the Forest Goblins below. While this looked fine with the goblins, it looked a bit small for the beefy Uruks, so I substituted the bows with some spare bows from the bits box. Pretty sure they were from spare Empire Archers, which look to part size wise.
'Uruk Trackers' |
The Uruk Trackers are a very usable generic goblinoid beefy type and could be used in a variety of roles again. Armed with spears and lighter shields than their armoured counterparts, the shields are fine and similar if not the same as the Goblin Shields in previous releases. Don't like the spears as pretty blunt looking and like the polearms with the armoured Uruks are very soft metal, so these will be replaced for harder wearing alternatives, probably rod and plastic spear heads.
'Forest Snaga Archers' |
Bringing up the rear of this gang are the Forest Goblin Archers. I have a pack of the Forest Goblin Spearmen from previous Kickstarter which I liked a lot and make ideal skirmishy types and the archer addition was a no brainer for me. As you can see, the seperate hand/bow which are pinned and glued to the figures look nicely sized for the shorter stature Goblins but is way to small for the strapping Uruk warriors to bother with.
The previous releases from Ragnarok are available from Gripping Beast and I assume the latest Kickstarter will be available there in due time. I'm probably going to be picking up a couple of additional Goblin types from GB in the near future.