This week, having been looking for a bit of a change for the weekly club game, myself and Barry got together to dust off the old 40K rules and figures to have a game of 40K using the latest (I think) set of rules, as much to give a nod to the games 25th birthday as to play something different, (Barry having just taken part in the two day Warhammer tournament, playing that again might have been too much).
I dug out my old Eldar Iyanden figures and Barry looked out his Chaos followers of Khorne and after doing a few repairs to some of my figures, (so unloved that some of the glue had simply stopped being glue after so much time) we threw down some terrain and had at each other in a straight forward battleline barny.
Suffice to say, the game was a mixture of lots of dice rolling and general carnage but as I always say, as far as GW games are concerned, 'He who throws the most dice wins!', the Eldar threw a fair few more dice and having fought to almost annihilation the Chaos Khornites eventually went down in a hail of shuriken and plasma fire, but not before making a fair mess of the Eldar forces.
Good to dig the Eldar figures out as I had been thinking about using them for some games using the Tomorrow's War rules. They are some very nice figures and vehicles and I always liked the styling of the range from the outset, starting to buy the figures and only after some time playing 40K as I had the figures anyway.

I'll need to do some required repairs to the Eldar troops and finish of painting the bits and pieces still to do so another little side project maybe for the year, with a fairly easy paint scheme, should be not too difficult, especially as now there are lots of juicy accessories for painting up these kinds of armies, Army Painter here we come. We shall see.
40k is a system I just haven't felt any love for and my bank balance is truly thankful for that.
ReplyDeleteMind you it will be interesting as to what sort of bash GW are going to be holding in their stores for the 25th birthday celebrations
Your right about the game system but it's simplicity has made GW a lot of money so they've done something right, but it doesn't grab me either. Last couple of times they've had 25th's they've been giving stuff away, not sure they'll do much of that this time.
DeleteWhen I saw the title I thought 'my God, if Rory is only 25 he must have had a hard life'
ReplyDeleteLooked a fun game
I don't know if I've to say thanks for that one or not Dave, but it was a fun game.
DeleteI remember when the game came out. Old.... feeling old...
ReplyDeleteI remember when Rogue Trader came out, definitely feeling old :-)