This being the eight episode of the Necromunda Campaign and six bods were present to get violent in the Underhive.
Anyone keeping tabs on this campaign will have noticed that Round 7 is missing, this being due to the fact I'd missed out on that round due to being in foreign parts at the time. This had resulted in everyone ganging up on the Eldar (or so John's version goes) and eventually Andy's Close Combat shock troops, his Van Saar had triumphed and Andy had picked to go for everyone's favourite Gang Fight scenario for Round 8.
Six bods were present for this rounds bash which we split over two tables; myself and the Redemption were up against Dave's Goliaths and Andy's Van Saar on the first table and John's Eldar were pitted against Kev's Cawdor and Doug's Genestealer Cultist's on the other table.

On the first field the Goliath's pretty mob handed advanced straight across towards the Van Saar who also advanced but a bit more cautiously but with Tunnels ans Vents deployed a couple of sniper types in the stacks in the middle and this gave them a commanding field of fire for the whole game. The Redemption also advanced splitting their attention pretty equally between the other gangs but started a bit away from the other gangs.

The fight between the Goliath's and Van Saar was fairly brutal, protracted and too the point with the CC dude's of the Van Saar pretty decisively getting the upper hand in a un-Necromunda like melee in the middle of the table with the snipers shooting at any target that presented itself including a couple of pot shots at the advancing Redemption.

The Redemption advanced as quickly as possible trying to keep to cover on their right flank where they were a bit exposed to the fire from the positioned Van Sarr snipers but the snipers failed to cause any wounds on the few shots taken against the Reds.
The Redemption had much more cover elsewhere and were free to advance there quickly coming up to the flank and rear of the Goliath's who were much more occupied to their front.

The Goliath's seeing their danger a bit too late were fully engaged with the Van Saar, tried to head off the Redemption with a few gangers available, and under a hail of gun fire and flamers three or four went down or out of action in very quick succession.
Coupled with not making much head way against the Van Saar, the Goliath's bottled it and fled to keep their losses to a minimum.

This left the Van Saar and the Reds to battle it out and with the Vans a bit more grouped they launched a quick assault on the few Reds who were taking a few pot shots at them from cover.
The first couple of rounds were fairly inconclusive as both sides tried to pile numbers into the melee which developed and all pretty much in one round the Van's won most of their combat's (the Red's don't seem to score very highly here) and in the space of two rounds six of the Reds were taken out of action (one from a re-roll on a previous downed result, so I decided to leg it quick before my whole gang were dead.
This leaving Andy and his Van Saar's the victors on the first table but with some four casualties to his name.

Table two was a much different story, with the Cultists and Cawdor Gangers having to be much more wary due to the Eldar fire power and they played things a bit more cagey and advanced through the burb's slowly trying to keep to cover while the Eldar sat tight and waited their advances.

The Cultist's starting closer, opened up proceedings first and there was an ongoing exchange of fire with little to show for their efforts.

The Cawdor crew advanced edgily but once caught in the cross hair's of the Eldar, Kev's fairly unlucky gang to date so low in number losts a couple down and out of action almost as soon as in range and with little to hurt the Eldar's toughness legged it.

The fight here turned into a fairly typical urban street fight with both sides scattered around taking pot shots from cover at anything that moved the other end of the street.
In the end with casulties light on the Cultist's but the only one's really capable of hurting the Eldar being the one's down Doug called it a night and withdrew but honour satisfied as the game lasted the whole evening, and his band were still largely intact but felt he didn't have much to gain to keep the fight going.
Thus John's Eldar triumphed again and with no Eldar Out of Action casulties, he was the overall winner of Round 8 Gang Fight.
The length of the games is beginning to show that the gang's are getting tougher so a bit more edge is present making the games a bit more interesting but the Eldar are still proving a tough nut to crack unless ganged up on.
I do love a good skirmish game, and Necromunda is one of my old faves. Good to see it still has a fanbase!
ReplyDeleteI run Redemptionists, but they're not what you'd call the shootiest of gangs - though I did take down a Spyrer once with a lucky grenade!
We've been playing Necromunda as a change from our usual fayre and there has been some good clashes. I'm quite enjoying the Red's, not shooty at all but a good mix of shoot and melee.