Wednesday, 31 December 2014

That was the Year that Was - 2014

And with 2014 rapidly coming to a close, I am looking back on the Year that Was 2014.

A mixed year once again full of surprises, some good and some bad, which I suppose is much the same for every one.

A new job was started, which was certainly unexpected but all good so far, and all the usual up and downs that goes along with real life away from the escape that is gaming, came my way.

My gaming life over the last year has been a bit up and down too, and probably related with the foregoing but I'm happy to say mainly up as a lot of what I'd planned (or really added to my Wishlist) to do was completed, or nearly so, so a big up for me, certainly compared to previous years.

My overall gaming outlook was to play more skirmish, story driven games rather than one of battles and that was definitely a big responding TICK as almost all of my games this year have been in that category including the successful conclusion of the second Mordheim Campaign which was lots of fun to do and kicking off the new Club Necromunda campaign which is now around a third of the way through along with a number of other skirmish types including some successful (and other less successful) experiments, some of which I'll post on in the new year.

As far as modelling and painting was concerned I'm pretty pleased too with my output and although I didn't quite get to my target of 300 completed miniatures I was damn close (completing more than I'd managed in the two previous years combined) and managed to get a fair bit of terrain bits and bobs done to boot.

The major Terrain project for the year was the ongoing Abbey Project and once again just shy of the final target, a fair of progress has been done and the first stage is near completion with a WIP post due again once the New Year rolls around.

The other Terrain stuff for the Future Wars project has been more successful with a fair bit completed there mainly in the way of accessories and table dressing but all good too.

The other thing terrain-wise I've been 'playing' with is card stock modelling and have put together a fair selection of buildings which though lacking the obvious 'weight' and 'depth' of constructed modells are quite nice and certainly quick and very inexpensive and will do for the fill villages etc that I don't have time to build the long way.

My army projects have all advanced, with the exception of my Italian Wars project, which hasn't really received any attention but is still there to be done and I will get to it, hopefully soon.

For new inspiration, I've picked up a spread of new skirmish rules that are about at the moment and cover a full spread of periods, from the Dark Ages through to Ultra-Modern/Futuristic era's and these hopefully will be the springboard for new stuff in the New Year.

Also inspiration wise I've seen a good number of movies this year, which is good in it's self, but these have often given me added inspiration for modelling and gaming so......nice there too.

All in all a pretty decent year hobby-wise with a few surprises as I've said and not a few excellent games too, so looking forward to more of the same (painting/modelling/gaming) in the coming year.


  1. A Happy New Year to you Michael. I hope it's a good one for you and yours!

  2. Looking back on your blog it looks like a good year. Lots of good gaming and reasonable progress on your projects. Hopefully 2015 is all you hope for. I look forward to seeing it unfold. Happy New Year!

    1. Thanks, it has been a good year, you seen to have had a good one too, certainly productive :-). Have a good one!


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